Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Do you feel God's Peace?

Hi everyone,

It's been a busy few weeks, I must say.  God is good.  Three beautiful kittens were left at my door step a few weeks ago.  Thank God I was able to find good homes for them.  I kept one and she is a doll.  I named her Snowball.  She loves to play and play and play.  Anyway, enough about me.   Listed below are some thoughts that I have about God's peace.  I find that the more time I spend with Him, the more He gives to me.  You can never beat God giving.  
God's Peace.

There is nothing in this world that compares to God’s peace.
When you have peace, you truly have everything.

Only God can give you peace in the midst of any situation.
Only God can smile down from heaven and take you to a place that no human eye has ever seen.
Only God can give you peace when everything around you seems to be
falling apart. People will be amazed that you are still standing.
God’s peace surpasses all of mankind’s understanding.

Those who keep their minds on Jesus Christ will have perfect peace. (Isaiah 26:3).

In the midst of my circumstances I have peace.
Years ago I didn’t fully understand what it meant to have true peace.
I have grown to understand the peace of God.
Peace is the calmness that stills the waters.

Jesus rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm. (Matthew 8:24-26).

I stood on a mountain today and beheld the most beautiful site human eyes could ever behold.  The mountain that I stood on today was a mountain of inward beauty.

It was my mind connected to the spirit of God.
I felt the peace of God.

God in all His majesty, His wonders, His splendors allowed me to feel
His peace.

How can anyone doubt that God is real?
God loved us so much that He sent His spirit to dwell inside of us.

How can anyone believe that the spirit of God does not exist?

Some say it’s their conscious.
Others say something told me not to do that.
God uses the Holy Spirit to direct our path.

Our spirit comes from God.
He leads us, He guides us, and He directs us.

The more we yield to His voice, the more He yields to us.
As we draw near to Him, He draws near to us.

God is our hope, our joy, our refuge, our deliver, our sanctifier, our creator, our redeemer, our protector, our provision, our peace, our beginning and our end.   God is everything.

Should this world fall from beneath me, I know that God will pick me up and take me to a high place.

The beauty of God surpasses the human eye.
God sees what we can’t see.

He sits up high and looks down low.
Nothing escapes His eyes.

What’s done in the dark will eventually come to the light.
The colors of this world can’t compare with the colors of God’s kingdom.
God created colors that are so profound, that the human eye can’t behold them.

Close your eyes and Imagine colors of purple intermingled with lights shades of pinks and blues, maroons to lilac all created in one perfect mass of perfection.

Truly what can this world do to me?

I have the peace of God.

No mater where I go God has gone before me to prepare the way.
If it’s His will, I will live to see another day.

I cast myself into His hand.

I’m not afraid of the material circumstances of this world.
I know my faith in God will sustain me.
I know that His peace will keep me.

God is the air that I breathe and the breath that I take in.
I can’t do anything without Him.
With Him I can do all things.

God created the mountains from the hills to the valleys.
He created the ocean with no depth.

He created us in His image

God with all His love said “I will allow man to make their own choices; All I ask is that they don’t put anything before me.”

Yet man grew and became wise.
Some began to say there was no God.
Some even believe that they are God.
Others made their own God.

Yet, God still loves us.

God still allows us to rest in Him; He gives us perfect peace.
Of course, the choice is ours.
God doesn’t force Himself on us.
I choose God.

I would rather have the peace of God than anything else in this world. I thank God for His peace.  Do you feel His peace today? We would love to hear your comments.

Please feel free to contact me for prayer, encouragement or just to say hi.  Join my email list for free encouragement mailings, lay off tips and more @ http://www.anointedgifts.net/.  Have a blessed week.

Look for my new You tube video serious titled Do you believe and How to survive a lay off by faith coming soon.   Also coming soon, new products and services from Anointed Gifts & Services, Promo Ads & videos on how to stay fit and healthy at any age.  I'm SO
EX CITED about everything God is doing in our lives.  God loves all of us so much. 

Remember just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it's not there.  If God said it, He will do it.   Keep the faith, Stay Strong, Don't Quit and Remember NO ONE WILL EVER LOVE YOU LIKE JESUS. 

©dale birdsong  http://www.anointedgifts.net/

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Do You Believe? My Story of faith, trust and love.

Hello everyone,

I pray this blog finds you all in good cheer, courage and strength. I just returned from Louisiana visiting my family. It was so hot, but it was so good to be home, to see my eighty-eight year old mother who looks so good and is in wonderful health, praise God, my sister, nephew, brother and friends.  The local newspaper even published a nice article about my business/ministry and new book.  "Hope is Alive". 

Don't forget to tune in tomorrow, Monday, August 9th to the Mother Love Radio Talk Show at www.latalkradio.com at 3:00 to hear us talk about my new book and how to survive a lay off  by faith.

Faith is the substance of all things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen. (Hebrews 11:1) Do you believe?

For the majority of my life from what I can recall, I have used the word faith. I told people over and over again, I believe that all things are possible. After all, that is what God’s word says, but you know its one thing to say it and another thing to actually believe it. Do you follow me? Many say they have faith, yet when the test, the trials and the tribulations come, how do they handle them? How do you handle them? It’s easy to have faith when everything is going well, kind of like having trust. Let’s face it; life is full of ups and downs. 
And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; (Romans 5:3)

God didn’t say there wouldn’t be trials, tests or tribulations. His word says there will be tribulation, but we are to glory in them. Many would ask how in the world “do you have glory in the midst of a tribulation?” The word says that tribulations worketh patience. It goes on to say that patience worketh experience, and experience, hope. And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us. (Romans 5:4-5)

God loved us so much that He gave His son for us.  For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16).

We are called to love God; Many people say they love God. However, if we truly love God, it will be evident in our walk with God. To have faith is to believe that God is who He says He is.

For example, I am truly living by faith right now. Either I believe that God is who He says He is or I don’t. It’s up to me. God will not make me believe. Now I can choose to say I believe and that I have faith which is what I have been saying for the majority of my life. However, when it comes down to the nuts and bolts do I really believe that God is who says He is?

I am a single mom of three wonderful sons that are 14, 17, and 19 years of age. They are all over 6’4 feet tall with the oldest son standing at 6’7. I say this to make a point. They eat a lot. My 19 year old doesn’t live with me anymore but praise God is doing well. I am blessed because great is the peace of my children. Praise God.

Not only am I a single mom, but for the first time in twenty-five years, I am unemployed due to a lay off. That’s right I don’t have a corporate job anymore. I have had husbands leave me in the past, but I have always had employment. God is good.

I believe that God will take care of me and my sons. He always has. The job was not my source. God is my source. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen. My natural eye (circumstances) say panic, what are you going to do? You have bills. One of your sons is in his senior year of high school, plays football, on the volleyball team, and gets good grades, a great kid that deserves good things. What are you going to do? The mortgage Company didn’t want to work with me before I lost my job because I was current on my mortgage. What are you going to do now that you don’t have employment? The bills didn’t stop, as a matter of fact some of them increased, what will you do? What about health insurance, dental insurance? What will you do?

I share this with anyone that is reading this blog today to say to you these are the circumstances that face me and my family today? A month ago I was employed with a decent income, A-1 credit, health benefits and paying the bills on time. It’s amazing how things can change in an instance. I consider myself to be a woman of faith, a woman of God. Many in the Christian world might say, well what did she do? Remember, God didn’t say that tribulations wouldn’t come. He said we are to glory in tribulations. God will get the glory in every circumstance of our lives, if we lean not to our understanding and let Him direct our path. (Proverbs 3:6). Let His will be done, not mine.

Am I a woman of faith or not? I trusted God when the bills were being paid, the mortgage was on time, and the health benefits were good. Boy, did I have faith.

Do I still have faith in the midst of my current circumstances? Do I truly believe that God is who He says He is? Do I believe His word, which says it is a sin to worry, for he takes care of the lilies of the field? What more will he not do for me?

And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith? Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. (Matthew 6: 28-34).

I do believe that God is who He says He is. I believe that His word is true. I have faith in the midst of my circumstances. I look to the unseen and not at the things I see. If I choose to look at my circumstances right now, I would probably say forget it. I choose to look at God. I believe that God will not fail me nor will He fail anyone that believes in Him. It’s the choice that I choose to make.

Don’t get me wrong, I do have my moments. After all, I am human. However, when I feel one of those moments coming on, I get in the face of God. I fall on my knees and began to thank Him for who He is. He is the author and finisher of my faith. He is the author and finisher of our faith, if we choose to let Him in. I know I can’t do this without Him. I need God. That’s my choice. I choose to believe that He is who He says He is. I choose to stand on His word in the midst of what my circumstances say. I choose to look at the unseen and not at what I see. I choose God. My hope is in God. My trust is in God. My faith is in God. My obedience is to God.

I know that God will not fail me. His word tells me this. God will never leave nor forsake you. (Hebrews 13:5).

Where is your faith today? Do you believe that God is who He says He is?
If so, what are you doing to show it?  We would love to hear your comments.  

Pick up a copy of my book “Hope is Alive” which can be purchased at
http://www.anointedgifts.net  It is a book of encouragement, faith and trust for times such as these.  The cost is $14.99. 

I pray for everyone. These are trying times. With God all things are possible. 

I will close with my poem, “I am a Kept woman which can be seen on the you tube video and is also available for purchase on my website in the form of tee shirts, home décor, desk décor, bookmarks and is featured in both of my books.

A percentage of all profitable proceeds from Anointed Gifts and Services will be donated to help feed the hungry, visit the sick, clothe the naked and help the poor.

May God bless you all. Keep the faith. Be thankful in all things, remembering to always give God praise, no matter what.  Feel free to contact me if you need prayer or encourgement.   

There is no place like home.