Sunday, December 18, 2011

Who is Real

As I return from my recent trip to Louisiana to put my mother to rest, I found myself reflecting on many things.  My mother was a woman full of beauty.  She walked in the fruits of the spirit which are love, joy, peace, goodness, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, longsuffering and self-control.  I wasn’t raised by my mother but I saw her fruits and came to know her as a woman of integrity, honor and wisdom.  I saw her fruits from afar.  She was the real deal.  She didn’t pretend or lie.  Her yea was yea and her ne was ne.  A person knew whom they were dealing with.  What you saw is what you got. 

As time as elapsed, things have changed.  It’s so hard now a day’s to know who is real or what is real.  Jeremiah 7:10 reads “ The heart of man is desperately wicked and who can know it except for God.”  I find this to be true.  Praise God that everything Hidden will be revealed.  God sees everything.  He knows our true fruits.  A person is defined by their fruits.  They can say many things, but in the end it’s action that portrays their fruit.
I pray that we will seek the fruits of the spirit and let God be the head of our lives.  As we learn to surrender our will daily to the almighty God, the fruits of the spirit will become evident in our lives.  When we walk in the fruits of the spirit, no lie or tongue raised against us will prevail.  Let our light so shine, so that the whole world may see and be drawn to our heavenly father which is heaven. 

Many blessings.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

2011 Thanksgiving Prayer & Poem

There's more to thanksgiving than eating turkey and stuffing once a year.  Everyday we wake up is a day to be thankful.   Jesus washed the feet of His disciples prior to His crucifixion.  This was a sign of love and humility.  Jesus death brought life to all of us.  His blood was offered as atonement for our sins; by His blood our minds, bodies and souls are nourished.  His blood makes us whole for His glory.  In all things let us count it all joy rejoicing at the sacrificial offering that was given to us through the precious blood of Jesus Christ. 
Let everyday be a day of thanksgiving.
As we open up our hearts and minds today to the realization that Christ died for our sins, let us rejoice in the goodness of this day.  This is the day the Lord has made.  A day to be thankful for everything around us.  Let us examine ourselves as God examines us so that we can be all that we are called to be.  Let our light so shined that the whole world will see.  Let us be thankful for this day and all that may come.  We rejoice in the fact that we have been blessed with another day of mercy, grace, forgiveness, redemption, salvation, deliverance and love abides.  Let us walk in love this day. 

©dalebirdsong –

Monday, October 3, 2011

Where is God? Dale Birdsong Anointed Gifts

I count it all joy to share the love of God with the world; however, I am learning that not everyone feels the same way I do about God.   The joy of the Lord is my strength.  I can honestly say that this is the truth.  I don't have any control over the emotions or feelings of other people; I have no desire to have control over them.  The circumstances and testimonies I share are my own.  My life hasn't been a bowl of cherries with whip cream on the top.  Through it all I still count it all joy to know that without God I would be dead.  God's grace and mercy is why I am able to write about His unconditional love not only for me but for all His creations. 

Have you ever felt that you were alone with no one to call on?  I was fortunate enough to be raised in a home that stood on the word of God.  I didn't always understand it, but I knew He was real.  It wasn't until later in my life that I began to really desire to know Him more.  I wanted to have a personal relationship with Him.  He was always there.  It was His voice that I heard when I was in trouble and needed help.  He would whisper to me what to do.  I would do it and things worked out.  The stories are too numerous to write in this blog, but I can honestly say once again like it states in Jeremiah 33:3 "Call upon me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things you do not know."
Over the years, I called on Him for many things; He was faithful to His word.  I didn't always get the answer I wanted but it was what I needed.  There were times when I didn't understand why I didn't get what I asked for.  I understand now.  I learned that God knows what is best for my life. 

Life is full of trials and tribulations;that's for sure.  God in His infinite wisdom was humble and allowed us to have free will.  He never forces Himself on anyone.  It is a choice.  He even gave the angels free will.  That is evident in Lucifer making a choice to seek His own glory rather than continue giving glory to God.  I choose to serve the Lord with all my heart, mine and soul.  It is truly the greatest choice I have ever made in my life.  I'm an imperfect human being that needs God; I need Him every second of the day.  I'm not afraid to share my love for Him, but more importantly His love for all of us. 

Attached to this short blog is one of many inspirational writings that were written to glorify God.  It is from my book From the Mountaintop Of God's Love Theses Verses Flow.  "Everywhere I look."

I pray that it will bless anyone that reads or shares it with a touch of our loving God.  He created heaven and earth.  He created us.  What choice are you making today?  Look around you.  God's beauty is everywhere.

Rev. Dale Birdsong

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How single mom of three kept her house out of foreclosure & received a reduced payment while unemployed

Learn how to keep your house out of foreclosure and get a reduce mortgage in recession.  Sound biblical principals that worked for this single laid off corporate mom.

How does this story begin?  Like any other person in America, I suppose.  I graduated from college many years ago, landed dream jobs, (ok just kidding).  They weren’t dream jobs, but they were good jobs with good pay and people that I loved working with.  Yes there was drama, fatigue, the normal stuff you go through on some jobs, but there was also freedom, honesty, favor and also a lot of spiritual war fare.  However, through it all God took care of me.

Twenty-five years later, I got the pink slip or so to say from Corporate America, but not from God.  My work for the Lord is evolving in ways I could have never imagined. I’m now a Reverend.  I’m happier than I have ever been pursuing my passion with the Lord at the helm of my ship. 

Are you unemployed now?  What are your ambitions?  How long have you been working?  Are you a recent college graduate?  Are you use to the six figure income and are now being offered commission jobs, or lower wages for your experience?  Does it seem as if the world has gone mad?  

Sometimes, I feel as if the world has gone mad.  I see so many lower paying jobs, yet for some reason the cost of living continues to rise.  Go figure.  What is this all about?   

What are you doing to keep your head above water or so to say in this day and age?

 Sign on to my website at and find out how this single mom of three tall giant sons kept her house out of foreclosure and received a reduced mortgage while unemployed.  Glory to God!   

Do you need encouragement, prayer, and inspiration? Get it all at the Reverend Dale Birdsong Channel @


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Mother's Love Radio TalkShow, Atlanta Live, Powersuccessmagazine ~Does God Fail~


Please click on the following link for a live radio show today with Mother Love, @ at 2 PM with Dale Birdsong.

Get a FREE copy of my new ebook Financial Survival Tips in Recession~ or an inspirational bookmark. If you miss the show today, it will be available to listen to by going to the above website and clicking on the September 21, 2011, Mother Love Show.

Also appearing on Atlanta Live in Atlanta Georgia on October 21, 2011, and currently spotlighted in the Power Success Magazine September Issue for Business. Page 56. This is a powerful and anointed new magazine that will truly bless anyone that reads it.

Ordination services will be held on Friday, September 23, 2011 at my church, Leaves of Healing, 9420 Lurline Ave, Chatsworth, CA at 7:30 PM ministered by Pastor Lorraine Coconato. God has truly blessed me with my church family. I’m so thankful for my pastor, family, friends, past and present coworkers. I am a blessed woman. Glory to God. I’m excited about the Lord. He is truly amazing, wonderful, glorious, beautiful, merciful, forgiving, loyal, faithful, loving, and the list goes on and on. There will never be enough words to describe our God.

I shared a part of my testimony of how God has met all of my needs during this period of transition. I thank God for the opportunity to glorify Him. This isn’t about me. It never was. Trials and tribulations are for the glory of God. It’s how we go through. I’m far from perfect. I need God every second of the day and I’m not afraid to let the whole world know that. I call on Him and He never fails to answer. He hears our prayers. He is a loving and forgiving God. We make choices everyday. I choose to serve the Lord. I wouldn’t have it any other way. To God be the glory for ever and ever. All things are possible to those that have faith to believe that God is God. With God all things are possible. “Matthew 19:26”. Trust, Obey and keep the faith. GOD DOES NOT FAIL.

Don’t forget to subrcribe to the Dale Birdsong YouTube channel when time permits. Google ADS are running on select Videos. A percentage of proceeds are donated to

charity. This is a great channel for encouragement, inspiration, the word of God and testimonials of how God is meeting the needs of His people. I know you will be blessed. Please spread the word about the Dale Birdsong Channel. The link is listed below. We are expanding to bring more testimonies from others, improvs, comedies, teachings, etc.

Thanks for your prayers and support.

With much love.


Dale Birdsong, Teaching the word of God through drama, skits, improvs, poetry and love. "John 3:16."


Bookings: Church events, women ministries, outreach, retreats, radio, television programs, spoken word, nursing homes, prison ministries,schools etc., Contact

Inspiration is only a Birdsong away.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Ordination Services for Dale Birdsong & Personal Testimony ~ God Provides.


It is with great enthusiasm and praise to God, that I make the announcement that I will be officially ordained to minister and do what I love more than anything in this world; Glorify our heavenly father. If I didn’t have God, my life would be totally empty and unfulfilled.

It has been a little over one year since I was laid off of my corporate job after working close to twenty-five years non stop and raising three sons as a single parent; however, we know with God I was never a single parent. He truly is a father to the fatherless. I am also thankful that after teaching my sons to always pray for their natural father and love him no matter what, that he is doing well and has a wonderful relationship with his sons. It is so important to let go and let God without holding unto bitterness, unforgiveness and anger. God can’t use us when we harbor those feelings. Jesus forgives us each day; so who are we not to forgive? Praise God for the gift of forgiveness.

Doing the past year, the Lord has provided for me and my sons supernaturally. I thank God for everyday, because each day that I live I learn to trust Him more and more, not depending on natural circumstances but depending on Him and His word which never returns back void. God is real and loves us so much. There will never be a love like His. I have learned that material things come and go, fame is for a little while, people will desert you from time to time, but God will never leave you. Many people get caught up into their own cares, some striving to be the next best thing by impressing those around them, but never really stepping outside of their box. I’m so glad that God is not in a box. I’m thankful for a closer walk with God; I’m thankful I have truly learned what it means to depend on God without a job, a physical husband, or going to family and friends for hand outs. Don’t get me wrong, I have wonderful people in my life that are there for me; however, God had other plans. This was all about Him. God gets the glory in everything. I trust God for provision. I trust God for health. I trust God for everything. I called upon Him and He showed up every time. He did it in such a way, that the only possible solution was “it was God.” I can’t say it hasn’t been challenging, because it has been. I can say it has been one of the most rewarding years of my life. Praise God. Matthew 19:26 states that “Jesus looked at men and said with men these things are not possible but with God all things are possible.”

Before, I was laid off my Job. I heard the Lord say “my cup would not go bare and my well would not run dry, that he was doing a new thing, so that His chosen could declare His praise; next I heard the scripture Isaiah 43: 19-21. Once I read that, I knew the lay off wasn’t about me, it was about Him. I say tonight, that God is real, His word does not return back void, He sent His only begotten son that whomsoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life. God is the same yesterday, today and forever. God told me to continue sowing into His kingdom and trust Him for provision. I obeyed God and I continue to obey Him. God has not failed me, nor my sons. My cup has not gone bare. People don’t always come through; that’s life. God always come through; that’s His word. Jeremiah 33:3 “call upon the Lord and He will answer you and show you great and many things that you do not know.” I called upon the Lord. He heard my voice and showed me many things that I didn’t know. I live because of God. I count it all joy to start this new life with the Lord. Praise to our Lord and Savior. Thank you Jesus.

Please accept this as an invitation to the services which will be held on Friday, September 23, 2011 at Leaves of Healing Tabernacle, 9420 Lurline Ave, Unit D, Chatsworth, CA 91311 @ 7:30 PM ministered by Pastor Lorraine D. Coconato. The church is off of Plummer & Lurline located in the back a few street lights down from the Northridge mall.

I look forward to seeing you as I start this new chapter in my life. With God all things are possible. God bless you and thanks for being in my life. I love and appreciate you.

Don’t forget to check us out on the web for all your encouragement and inspirational needs…

Dale Birdsong, Teaching the word of God through drama, skits, improvs, poetry and love. "John 3:16."


Bookings: Church events, women ministries, outreach, retreats, radio, television programs, spoken word, nursing homes, prison ministries, etc., Contact

Inspiration is only a Birdsong away.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Love " John 3:16" Welcome to Dale Birdsong Channel _ Anointed Gifts "Encouragement for the times on You Tube

Dale Birdsong welcomes you to Encouragement for the times sharing God's word through love and joy.  No matter what we go through Love is the greatest gift and the joy of the Lord is our strength.  Be encouraged this day. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Dale Birdsong on Oh Tell Pearline Show, Preach The Word, Network taped 6/3/11

Hello everyone,

Please click on and

click on the Oh By the Way Tell Pearline underneath featured

TV Broadcasters to view the program taped on Friday, June

3rd in Tallahassee,  Florida with Dale Birdsong.

Thank you.  I pray that you enjoy the show.  It was a blessing to

be a part of it and spread God's word across the country. 

With all my love and most importantly, the love of Jesus Christ.

Be blessed in all you do. 


Dale Birdsong

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Can God Fail? " A Personal Testimony".

It's been ten months since I was laid off my job.   

Eighteen years ago, while struggling to raise my three sons, the Lord spoke to me and told me to trust Him in all areas of my life. I heard God’s voice speak to me and tell me to honor Him with my tithes. At that time I didn’t know anything about tithing. Being raised in the south, we are taught to give and help others even if it’s your last. It’s a way of life that never fails. However, I don’t recall anything being preached about tithing. I obeyed God when He spoke to me. Although, I ran into some storms over the years, the covenant of tithing continues. I can boldly say that “God has never failed me”.

Since I lost my job, my refrigerator remains full, my bills are paid, my sons are provided for and my home is not in foreclosure. Glory to God. I have peace like never before; the kind of peace that can only come from God. I feel like Peter when He was walking on the water with Jesus. (LOL)! Every day is an adventure with God. Now, I know what it truly means to rely on God. He said in 1 Peter 5:7 “casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” The second part to this is that we must leave our cares with Him. Worrying solves nothing. It’s a sin to worry. “Therefore I say to you “do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and body more than clothing?” (Matthew 6:25).

God fights our battles. The battle was won when Christ took the cross. It is up to us to believe that God is who He says He is. Either you believe or you don’t. It’s not complicated. God is the same yesterday, today and forever. He still heals the sick, provides for His children, and renews our strength like the eagle.

The storms of life don’t come to overthrow us. “And they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony.” (Revelation 12:11). Storms are allowed to happen so that God can get the glory whether it’s for a testimony, or to draw us nearer to Him. Everything works out for the good of those who are called according to His purpose. Draw near to the Lord and He will draw near to you. (James 4:8). With God all things are possible. (Matthew 19:26).

Since the lay off; I have visited and helped the sick, started a non profit business, organized and produced an event to aid the homeless, done several speaking engagements testifying of God’s goodness and keeping the faith doing trying times, ministered to elementary school children, took television production classes to produce a TV show which is scheduled to air late this year, been booked for several out of state speaking engagements, received certification from the Small Business Administration, spent time with my family, increase my exercise thus losing additional weight, learned how to write grants for non profits, volunteered for worthy causes, observed much and assisted in different ministries of my wonderful, anointed and beautiful church Leaves of Healing Tabernacle which is located in Chatsworth, CA. Through it all God has taken care of me and my sons; HE HAS NOT FAILED. I wouldn’t have been able do any of these things, if I was still in the Corporate World. God opens and He shuts doors.

I praise God for 25 years of non stop employment in which He trained me for bigger and better things. I’m thankful for all the wonderful people that I worked with and remain in contact with to this day. I’m a blessed woman. God hands are upon me. God’s hands are upon all of us. He does not leave us. He does not forsake us. (Hebrews 13:5). GOD DOES NOT FAIL US.

Do you trust Him? Do you obey Him? What is He telling you to do? Are you listening?

This testimony is not being written to say hey look at me. I came into this world to say “Hey, LOOK TO GOD.” That’s what it’s all about. LOOK TO GOD. The best is yet to come. God put it on my heart to share it for one purpose. “FOR HIS GLORY.” If it wasn’t for God’s mercy and grace I would be dead. I’m thankful that He does not judge me according to my iniquities and sins.

The only thing I have to say about me is that I choose to believe that God is who He says He is. I believe that ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH HIM. I trust Him to know what is best for me. I can’t do anything without God; however, I can do all things through Him. I NEED GOD.

Listed below are a few facts that happen in life:

1. People will turn their backs on you. People fail. God doesn’t fail. (Hebrews 13:5).
2. Jobs will forsake you; they close down. Jobs fail. God doesn’t fail. (Jeremiah 17: 7-8).
3. Taxes need to be paid. God makes a way; He doesn’t fail. (Phil 4:19).
4. In life there will be some good times and some bad times known as trials and tribulations. (Romans 5:3) God is with you. Call Him. He will answer you. (Jeremiah 33:3). God doesn’t fail.
5. Eventually we will leave this physical body. We can’t take anything with us. What’s next? Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes to the Father, but by me. (John 14:6). God doesn’t fail.  What choice will you make this day?

May God bless everyone that took the time to read this message. More importantly than ever before, if you haven’t already, please take time to develop a personal relationship with God. Seek the Lord while He may be found. Call upon Him while He is near. (Isaiah 55:6).

Keep trusting God. Keep the Faith. Keep moving forward;


Have a blessed weekend and Easter.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Can God Fail? “Prayers for Japan, A Nation” A testimony of God’s mercy. Inspirational Poetry.

I can a test
God is the best
I should have been dead
But Instead
God kept me out the grave
That’s why I rant and rave
I called on the Lord
He heard my cry
I didn’t want to die

The Lord picked me up
He carried me to the top
I didn’t have the strength to stand
God held me in His hand
He told me He had me
It was up to me to believe
It was hard when I looked at my circumstances
There was no reason to dance
I kept my eyes on God
I knew with Him I didn’t have to rob
There was no need to be afraid
He didn’t give me fear
I knew God was near
I felt like I would faint
I began to see pictures that only God could paint
The colors began to race through my head
I wasn’t dead
I was alive
That’s no jive
I don’t care what no one says
Only God can give us another day
Things won’t always be the way we won’t them to be
Remember Jesus died on a tree
He did that for you and me
What more do we need
God is with us indeed
Eventually all will pass away
Only God’s word will stay
Stand on God’s word today
He can’t fail
That’s no fairy tale.

© “Dale Birdsong”

Psalms 104: 33-34

I will sing to the LORD as long as I live;
I will sing praise to my God while I have my being.
May my meditation be sweet to Him;
I will be glad in the LORD.

I pray that we will repent and turn from our wicked ways, seek God’s face and humble ourselves before the living God. May the God of Abraham, Jacob and Isaac hear our prayer and forgive us of our sins. Praise God this day for His mercy, grace and forgiveness. Thank you God for your love. It is truly unconditional.

Bless the LORD, O my soul!

Praise the LORD!

When I woke up this morning, I heard the Lord speaking the words above to me. As I sit here typing these words, I know how great our God is. In life things don’t always go the way we desire for them to go. God said in his word that there would be trials and tribulations. Romans 5:3 “and not only this, but this we also rejoice in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance. And perseverance, proven character, and proven character, hope and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.

We aren’t supposed to get discouraged through the trials and tribulations. The bible says we are to count it all joy. James 1:2, “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.”  Many would ask how in the world you go through difficult times joyous. Who can do that? We need Jesus Christ. We can’t do it without the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We need God to guide us. We need Him to direct our path. We must appreciate and trust God to be all that He says He is. We must believe in His word.

My prayers go out for Japan. I pray that they will see God’s hand and He will restore their land. May the God of peace be with them. I pray the people everywhere will draw near to Him. James 4:8, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” Let’s pray for one another. Prayer is the only thing that changes anything.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Love is the answer; forgive and live today.

I mention in my last blog that my website was hacked.  Praise God that He always has a ram in the bush.  My site was back up and running in less than two days thanks to a college friend of mine at Solutions by O.G. Brown.  He owns this business and is a business genius.  They do websites, quickbooks, quicken, fix computer problems which includes building and diagnosing problems such as virus, harddrive crashes, hacker issues, etc.,  He is also an excellent photographer who works in the Dallas Forthworth, TX area.  His website is   Praise God for friendship.   What Satan meant for evil, God worked it for good.  Glory to God in the highest. 

If I didn't know the Lord, I would have been really mad at that guy or who ever they were.  When I think about how much God has forgiven me over and over again, how can I not forgive?  Life is too short to  be angry or bitter.  God sees everything.  He is our source. 

I pray for people who seek to destroy others through hatred and violence. May they come to understand that love covers a multitude of sins and that hatred is a tool used by the devil to keep us apart. A house divided can't stand. Together we can move mountains.  1 Peter 4:8  "And above all things have fervent love for one another, for “love will cover a multitude of sins."
Are you ready to move some mountains today?  Is it hard for you to forgive? 

Today is a new beginning.  It starts with you.  Forgive and live today.  

God bless.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Who is Safoine Sassi? He hacked my website. I don't get it. Do you?

Has anyone reading this blog ever experienced something they worked hard for destroyed by someone that they never met?  I experienced that on Thursday, February 17, 2011.

A man known as Safoine Sassi, a hacker for some unknown reason destroyed my website @   His contact email is  

My first reaction was one of tears.  I work so hard for everything I have.  I couldn't understand why this person that I don't even know would do something so mean.  I prayed.  By the grace of God I sent him the Lord's Prayer and told him that I forgave him.  I asked him to restore my site.  I am a single mother of three sons doing a full time ministry and business.  I was laid off of my corporate job last year and this is my sole source of income.  My site is a Christian site that talks about the love of Christ.  I don't single anyone out.  Christianity is a choice. I choose to be a Christian.  

This man has a face book page, so I sent him a friend request so I could send him a private message.  I sent him a message of love and forgiveness.  He responded by saying "In Jesus Christ Name."  I am a Muslim man. ”I sent Him one final message of love and forgiveness, asking him to restore my site.  I don't have any bitterness towards this person.  I truly pray for Him.  I need my site restored so I can continue with the things God has called me to do which is feed the hungry, visit the sick, help the poor and clothe the naked. 

I thank God for the gift of love.  Love truly does cover a multitude of sins.  If it wasn’t' for Jesus love for us, I would not be able to walk in forgiveness and love.  How does one forgive those who hurt us?  Jesus said while dying on the cross “Forgive them, for they know not what they do.” 

What is hacking?  I don’t get it.  Why does this person or their group choose to destroy other people’s hard work?  Is it hatred?  Is it prejudice?  Is it just something people do? 

I don’t get it.  Do you?  Please advise.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Do You Care? Does Anyone?

"Do you care?"  "Does anyone?"  This is so heavy on my heart.

I wonder sometimes if anyone really cares about anything other than their own personal agendas. I woke up this morning asking God out of all of the people in the world why did He give me this mission. I told Him no one seems to care. Everyone is so busy with their own lives; they very seldom have the time to step outside of their boxes to see a bigger picture.

“Why me Lord?” I’m a single mom of three sons, with one getting ready for college and another going back to college. This is not an easy task. I have the whole world on my shoulders; I’m not God.

God has the whole world in His hands. Nothing is too big or too small for God. Back to the question, “why me Lord?” There are so many other people who can do this; people with prestige, fame, fortune, and wealth. “Why me?” I’m an unemployed single mom with a vision to help the world. Yet, the world doesn’t seem to care.

I’ve worked all of my life taking care of my family and serving the ministry in one capacity or another. I’ve never been without employment. This is the first time in twenty-five years I don’t have a corporate job. God gave me a business/ministry while working a job and taking care of three small sons. The job is gone. The business/ministry is in the building stages. God is not opening doors for anything else at the moment. I and my sons are truly in His hands. We trust Him to direct our paths. It truly is a faith walk.

Once again I ask, if anyone cares?

I was with a friend of mind the other day when a homeless man in what appeared to be his late twenties walked into the place where we were eating. The young man asked me if I could help Him. He went on to say, that he lost his job a few months back and hadn’t been able to find any work. He said he was studying welding and needed money to take the test. My desire was to help him; however, before I could say anything, my friend told him to leave. I sat there with this look of concern on my face. My friend asked me what was wrong. I said maybe we should have tried to help him. My friend went on to say, oh the guy was young, no excuse for that and was probably on drugs. I told my friend, if it wasn’t for God’s grace that could be me. We don’t know his story; only God does. I took the hands of my friend and we prayed for the young man. We asked God to meet his needs.

Last year at this time I was working as a corporate supervisor making decent money. One year later, I don’t have a job. My life changed in an instance. We don’t know what the future holds for any of us. Only God knows the future. Nothing is for certain these days, except God. Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.”

My trust is in God; therefore I know by faith that God will take care of me and my sons. He always has. Unfortunately, there are many who don’t know or believe that. Many have given up on life. Everyone on the streets aren’t homeless because they are drug addicts, or don’t want to work. Many of them are just like me or you. They were working, lost their jobs, their families or homes and just gave up. Do we give up on them as well? Will you give up on me? I pray not.

God knows their stories. Who are we to judge? Matthew 25: 37-40 37Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee hungered, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? 38When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee? 39Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? 40And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

If it wasn’t for God’s grace where would I be? Where would you be? God’s mercy endures. His grace is sufficient.

Anointed Gifts & Services LLC  Mission Statement

Our purpose is to reach the world by Sharing God’s love with every Nation in service and in deeds. There is no greater gift than the gift of love.

Our mission is to feed the hungry, visit the sick, clothe the naked and help the poor by creating employment, housing, setting up elderly care, and food banks from the sales of books, home décor, inspirational writings, bookmarks, encouragement CD’s, video’s, posters, pillows and other products and services.

Anointed Gifts & Services is in the process of becoming a non profit and we are looking to partner with other outreach ministries. 

"Do you care?"

We are sponsoring a gospel extravaganza on Saturday, February 5, 2011 to help the LA mission and the ministry of Anointed Gifts & Services. If you are in the Granada Hills, area please stop by from 3:30 PM to 6:00 PM, 16700 Chatsworth St., Granada Hills, CA. (Recreation Room).

Ask yourself, if you really care? If the answer is yes, please step outside of your box and do something. If the answer is no, well keep on stepping; at least you were honest.

For those that do care and I realize there are many that do, please don’t be offended. I thank God for you; however, there is so much that needs to be done.

Love is the greatest gift.” It will take love and togetherness to keep us from falling if anything tragic ever happens.” Praise God for His mercy and grace each day.

Thank God for all that took the time to read this message today.

Have a blessed week.