Monday, October 3, 2011

Where is God? Dale Birdsong Anointed Gifts

I count it all joy to share the love of God with the world; however, I am learning that not everyone feels the same way I do about God.   The joy of the Lord is my strength.  I can honestly say that this is the truth.  I don't have any control over the emotions or feelings of other people; I have no desire to have control over them.  The circumstances and testimonies I share are my own.  My life hasn't been a bowl of cherries with whip cream on the top.  Through it all I still count it all joy to know that without God I would be dead.  God's grace and mercy is why I am able to write about His unconditional love not only for me but for all His creations. 

Have you ever felt that you were alone with no one to call on?  I was fortunate enough to be raised in a home that stood on the word of God.  I didn't always understand it, but I knew He was real.  It wasn't until later in my life that I began to really desire to know Him more.  I wanted to have a personal relationship with Him.  He was always there.  It was His voice that I heard when I was in trouble and needed help.  He would whisper to me what to do.  I would do it and things worked out.  The stories are too numerous to write in this blog, but I can honestly say once again like it states in Jeremiah 33:3 "Call upon me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things you do not know."
Over the years, I called on Him for many things; He was faithful to His word.  I didn't always get the answer I wanted but it was what I needed.  There were times when I didn't understand why I didn't get what I asked for.  I understand now.  I learned that God knows what is best for my life. 

Life is full of trials and tribulations;that's for sure.  God in His infinite wisdom was humble and allowed us to have free will.  He never forces Himself on anyone.  It is a choice.  He even gave the angels free will.  That is evident in Lucifer making a choice to seek His own glory rather than continue giving glory to God.  I choose to serve the Lord with all my heart, mine and soul.  It is truly the greatest choice I have ever made in my life.  I'm an imperfect human being that needs God; I need Him every second of the day.  I'm not afraid to share my love for Him, but more importantly His love for all of us. 

Attached to this short blog is one of many inspirational writings that were written to glorify God.  It is from my book From the Mountaintop Of God's Love Theses Verses Flow.  "Everywhere I look."

I pray that it will bless anyone that reads or shares it with a touch of our loving God.  He created heaven and earth.  He created us.  What choice are you making today?  Look around you.  God's beauty is everywhere.

Rev. Dale Birdsong