Brothers and Sisters,
This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice
and be glad. All things work together for the good of those who are called
according to His purpose. What satan means for evil, God will work for good.
It's time to rise up and take our rightful places. We are to be a light in
places of darkness. In the midst of our pain, let us rise above to give God
Glory. In the midst of our disappointments, let us rise up to give God glory.
In all things count it joy. The joy of the Lord is truly our strength. God
didn't say we wouldn't have dark days. He didn't say we wouldn't have
disappointments. He didn't say everything would always work out the way we want
it to, but He did say If He be for us, Who can be against us? He did say, He
would never leave nor forsake us. God's promises are the only ones that never
fail. Let us walk in forgiveness towards all, especially towards those that
hurt us the most. Pray for those that are in darkness, that they will come to
know the truth. May blinders be removed from their eyes and deafness from their
ears in the name of Jesus. May they see as God would allow them to see with
spiritual eyes. Most of all, let us walk in love. For love is truly the
greatest gift. John 3:16. The greatest commandment is to love our God with all
of our heart, mind and soul. Love covers a multitude of sin. Thank God for the
gift of love. Thank God for Jesus. Thank God for today. Today is the greatest
day of our lives. Lets make the best of it, for tomorrow is not promised. To
God be the glory for ever and ever.