Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sweet Sound of Freedom - Poetry " Anointed Gifts -

Sweet Sound of Freedom!

What is that sound that I hear?
Amidst the fear
It’s the sweet sound of Freedom drawing near.

We’s about to be free
No more hanging from a tree

It’s a brand new day
We’re on our way

Sweet sound of Freedom ringing in our ears
We shed so many tears
Praying for this day
God is showing us the way

Lord knows we tried
How we cried
God said it’s time to set the captives free
Our masters have to let us be

Whom the Son sets free is free indeed
Sweet sound of Freedom is calling in our time of need.

Sweet sound of Freedom has reached our door
We won’t be back no more

We’re running towards the sound
God I have found

God, thank you that we are free

Free to praise Thee. 

author:  Rev. Dale Birdsong

Remembering Black History Month,-- Program - Calvary Baptist Church of Pacoima, 12928 Vaughn St., San Fernando, CA  91340  

Sunday, January 19, 2014

A Poem " Why do you hate me?" Do you even know? Anointed Gifts "Remembering Rev. Martin Luther King Jr." 2014

Why do you hate me so? Do you even know?
What did I ever do to you?
Is it because of the color of my skin?
You never know I could be your kin. 
Shame on you.
I paid what was due.
This is a diverse world we live in
Think about it, again, I could be your kin
Before you turn me away
Get on your knees and pray
You don’t know if you will live to see another day
It would be a shame if you died in your sleep
Without a chance for your soul to belong to God to keep
Then it would be too late
As you climbed the stair way to heaven’s Gate,
You hear a voice that whispers “You don’t belong up there.”
I gave you a chance to love, yet you choose a hatred stare
Your place is down below
Where all the Racists Go
Repentance would have saved your soul
You were told
Yet, you turn it away and chose to keep your hate instead
Now it’s too late because you are dead.
Hell isn’t a place you chose to be or so you thought
Yet, when you chose to walk in hatred, hell was what you bought
Jesus made it plain, the fruit of the spirit is love
Hatred/Racism is not a white dove that flies in from above
Hatred/Racism is a dark and weary hole
That will claim your soul.

"In Remembrance of Martin Luther King" 

Just for thought.  Something to think about. 

For anyone out there who finds themselves in a place where they don’t like someone of the opposite race, it’s not too late to ask God for help.  Hatred is not of the Lord.  Maybe someone of a different race or nationality did something to hurt or offend you and you find yourself hating all people of that background, when in essence they did nothing to you.  It’s the same thing if a woman or man was hurt by another woman or man and chooses to view all men and women the same way, rather than getting to know each person on an individual level. 

This world will end; it may be a while before it does.  Yet our time on this earth will come to an end.  Where do you want to spend eternity?  God is not a God of hatred.  Satan on the other hand is a deceiver.  Ask yourself which God are you serving?  There is only one God and He is not a God of hate in spite of what the world may dictate.    If you are a person that is operating in racism and hatred, that is not of God.  John 3:16-17 “ For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that who so ever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”  For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.”

Don’t go to your grave without taking steps to let go and let God.  I Peter 5:7 “Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.”   Let’s us walk in the fruits of the spirit.  Galatians 5:22-25 “ But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.  And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.  If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.  Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.

God is a God of second chances.  It isn't his desire for us to hate one another but rather to love as Christ loved us.  Hatred can lead to other un holy actions such as violence, abuse and in many cases murder.  Love on the other hand restores what hatred tears down.  Loves unifies. Hatred divides. 

I Corinthians 13-3-8 "And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned,[a] but have not love, it profits me nothing.  Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil;  does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth;  bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.  Love never fails."

II Chronicles 7:14 " if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land."

By Rev. Dale Birdsong.  
Jesus loves us so.   Praise God for the many people who do operate and live their lives as Christ as called us to live in love desiring a better world.  Truly this is a blessing.  However, for the countless many others who still operate in a place of darkness, God sees and desires freedom for all His children.  I praise God, that over the years He has blessed me to be surrounded by beautiful people that love Him.  Lately I have witness such a rise of hatred and racism across this country and into outer parts of the world.  My heart cries out to God for deliverence thanking Him for His mercy and Grace. It's a matter of choice.  I pray that this piece will bless those who read it to know that God desires our heart.  As we surrender to God; He is the only one that can truly set us free, even in those things we didn't know we needed to be free from.  Read Psalms 139 & Psalms 24 when time permits.  Be blessed my brothers and Sisters In Jesus name.  Love, Dale.

Praise God for those freedom fighters such as Rev. Martin Luther King'.. May he rest in Peace. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year Prayer. Thank you. How can we come together in Unity? Dale Birdsong "Anointed Gifts"

Happy New Year!! Praise God for a New Year to get it right.  What will you do in 2014 to step outside of your comfort zone to build a better you, a better future and to come together in unity?  
To God be the glory! I’m grateful for another day to praise God and to thank Him for all that He has done.  Thanks to all of my friends, family, customers, and to anyone who is reading this blog .  We tend to get so busy in our lives; we seldom take the time to stop and say thanks.  One of my desires for 2014 is to reach out to more people in unity like Jesus said to do.  I pray all of us will strive to do the same.
I’m extremely grateful for wonderful people like Sis. Mongolis who barely knew me, but saw God’s vision and offered to help me get the word out about Anointed Gifts.  She gave many of my inspirational bookmarks to people she met on the bus while ministering to them.  One young man was a marine who had just come back from combat and was touched by my writing I’m a Survivor. After reading it, he cried and asked for a Bible. Sister Mongolis went on to pray with him and told Him that God loves and forgives him.  Sister Mongolis has a heart after God; she desires to do His work.  Daily, she steps outside of her box to minister to people from all walks of life from all over the city. Sister Mongolis is a blessing to the body of Christ. I’m thankful for her and the work she does for the City of Angels.
2013 was very challenging on my end; however, through the challenges God strengthen my faith and drew me closer to Him.  He showed me how to dig deeper in my everyday walk and by doing so my spiritual walk deepen into a greater understanding of what it truly means to walk by faith and to be an overcomer.  It is written in 3 John 1:2 “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.”
God tells us throughout His word, that He delights in our prosperity, however, it is our spirit which He desires to prosper the most. Joshua 1:8 “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.”  God’s idea of success and man’s idea of success are different.  Matthew 6:33 “Man seeks for the riches of this world; yet, God tells us to seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Romans 8:5 “for those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit.”
What are you doing as a Christian to develop your spirit man?”  How do you handle the challenges of life?  Are you willing to step outside of your comfort zone and little box to embrace a bigger box?  Do you put God in a box?
Jesus said “how do you know them? You will know them by their fruits.  A good tree can’t bear bad fruit and a bad tree can’t bear good fruit.”  Galatians 5:22-25 “ But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.”     What fruit are we showing to the world we live in?  Are we a light?
Jeremiah 17:9-10 “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? “I the LORD search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve.”
I can only speak for myself.  Praise God for another day to get it right where I messed up yesterday.  Unlike many folks in the world today, I don’t mind saying I need Jesus to get it right.  He tells us in Psalms 139:23 to ask Him to “Search me, O God and know my heart; try me and know my anxious thoughts.” By doing so, He is able to do a great work in us.  We must surrender in order for that work to be done.  As we acknowledge Him in all our ways and lean not to our own understanding according to Proverbs 3:6, “He shall direct our path.” I welcome God to direct my path according to His will and not my own; He already knows what’s ahead.  Praise God for His mercy and grace.  I’m thankful that mercy and grace follow me around every day.  Praise God that He is bigger than any box we can ever imagine with no limitations.
I praise God for my challenges during 2013. Those challenges birthed many wonderful things like a new business with many services, but most of all I’m wiser, stronger and my walk with God is awesome.  The joy of the Lord is my strength and God’s unconditional love and forgiveness reign supreme.  Things that use to bother me, don’t even phase me anymore.  I have a greater understanding of God’s will verses my own will and how to wait on God.  Man’s rejection is God’s protection; where He leads He provides.  How awesome is our God?
Greater things to come, as God increases and we decrease.   God tells us in Psalms 66: 9-12.
Who keeps our soul among the living,
And does not allow our feet to be moved.
For You, O God, have tested us;
You have refined us as silver is refined. You brought us into the net;
You laid affliction on our backs. You have caused men to ride over our heads;
We went through fire and through water; But You brought us out into a wealthy place.
I welcome this season of restoration.  I welcome another opportunity to grow deeper in the Lord.
Rev: 12:11 “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony.”
I’m thankful to God to be able to give a testimony of How He took care of a single mother with three sons without income to rise above her circumstances to build an empire that will offer assistance and jobs to many people.  God carried me when I couldn’t carry myself.  He believed in me, when I didn’t.  He provided in ways that no human being can ever do.  For this, I’m forever grateful.