Sunday, December 23, 2012

A new writing from Dale Birdsong in remembrance of the children at Sandy Hook Elementary School.  May prayers of comfort and peace be with the families and loves ones of those who lost their lives.
We don't have the answers to why tragic things happen.  God is with us in everything.  Everyday should be cherished as if it was our last day.  Celebrate our families, love our children, and have no bitterness in our heart towards any man or woman.  Let's remember that Jesus is the reason for the season.  I pray many blessings to everyone that reads this email.  Praise God for His mercy, grace, redemption and unconditional love.   John 3:16. 

Children; giffroGo
Children are so precious and dear
A gift from God that draws us near
Near to the creator
God is the only one who can bring life to these
precious little ones
As He gives life to us all
We were once so small
God in His infinite wisdom
Created life from inside
Fearfully and wonderfully made in His image
Endowed with innocence
Blessed with joy; abounding in truth
Walking in love like Jesus above
From the top of their little heads
To the bottom of their delicate Feet
Children are truly God’s Master piece
Meant to be cherished, protected and loved
Guided by wisdom and discernment
as instructed in the Word
Forever yielding their little hands to our Father above
In prayer and love.

As Jesus said; “Suffer not the little children to come
unto me and forbid them not; for of such is the Kingdom of God." 
Mark 10:14
©Dale Williams Birdsong -

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Know that He is God "Personal Testimony"

On the wings of a dove from above
God sent His one true Love,
He sent His son to die on the cross
To redeem the lost
To sore above as an eagle
On the wings of His word which never fail
Into the gates of Hell and beyond
The word of God prevails
His word is truth which came to set the captives free
His life taken on a tree, precious blood streaming from His body
Nothing but the blood of Jesus can make us whole
The precious blood of Jesus heals the sick, breaks the bonds of oppression, depression, and addiction.
We cry out for freedom caught up in our own lusts, lies, pride and arrogance
Freedom is ours; victory is ours.
Yet, so many choose to walk in fear doubting rather then believing
Faith is the key that opens all doors
Jesus went before us to prepare a place
We are in a race
Time is of the essence, you see tomorrow may be too late.
Today is the day to receive the key to the eternal gate
Unlock the door to salvation for all mankind
It lies in a choice of free will
Satan came to rob, kill, steal and destroy
He is a deceiver of many taking God’s words disguising it to fool the very elect
Pick up the true word of God, the Holy Bible, read it and discover for yourself
John 10:10 ‘The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy: I have come that they may have Life, and have it in abundance.”

Pray today, Pray every day. 
Call Him; He will answer you. “Jeremiah 33:3
Have faith to believe.
Know that He is God.
In the presence of God there is joy, peace, love, deliverance, redemption, salvation for all.
It starts with the person in the mirror; YOU.
Are you willing to make a change?

Personal Testimony;The world failed me, but through it all and only by God’s grace, I’m still in this race.  His word gives me strength to endure, love to forgive, peace to sustain, Hope to continue and faith to believe.”  What more can I ask for?  What else do I need?  With Jesus, I have everything.  Greater is He that is in me than He that is in the world.  Lay it down at the altar if you haven’t already.  The battle is won.  Let’s walk in the victory through the word of Christ with faith, not doubting, not looking at circumstances, but looking at God.”  As a single mom of three sons I can’t say that life has always been easy, but I can say that God never failed us. Now that my sons are practically grown and I look back over my life, I can honestly say “Great is the peace of my children.” The joy of the Lord is our strength.  To God be the glory.  ©dale birdsong 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

WOE, When Love Hurts so Bad

Have you ever had or known someone who was trying so hard to get another person to see them, accept them and love them when in essence, God had already done all of the above. John 3:16 ““For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.”

The love we are so desperately willing to compromise our very being for was given to us as unconditional love through the blood of Jesus Christ, even unto death. Therefore, we should never settle for less than what God has prepared for us. 1 Cor. 2:9 “Eye hath not seen nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God had prepared for them that love him.”

Yet we try so hard, tears in our eyes hoping and praying that others, whether it is a spouse, a parent, or a friend can see the great person that we are when God was the one that made us to be the great person that He called us to be for His glory.

We serve a God that gives us sunshine in the morning to wake us up, the sweet aroma of flowers blooming in the spring, the moon light to woo us to sleep. He knows our heart and speaks softly to let us know that He sees it when no one else does. Psalms 139:13-14 “You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it." The Psalmist sates “I shall lift my eyes to the hills, and His praises shall continually be on my mouth”. Greater is He that is in me, than He that is in the world. Jesus overcame the world so that through His blood, we have the victory.

Should those steps of rejection come to knock you down trying to bring misery and despair, remember God said in 1 Peter 2:4 “ To whom, coming as unto a lying stone, rejected indeed of men, but chosen of God, and precious.” Man’s rejection is God’s protection; He never rejects us. God’s love is greater than any human love.

No one said there would not be heart breaks or disappointments in life. Truly, love can hurt so badly at times; No one knows this better than me.  Cry if you must, but it’s in God you trust. Joy does come in the morning.

Stay blessed my brothers and Sisters.

For a spiritual uplift, go to (link below) and pick up a copy of my "Kept Woman, Kept Gentleman or Survivor Writing" It will keep you or someone you know encouraged for years to come. Have it personalized for a special uplift. Thank you.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Brothers and Sisters,

This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad. All things work together for the good of those who are called according to His purpose. What satan means for evil, God will work for good. It's time to rise up and take our rightful places. We are to be a light in places of darkness. In the midst of our pain, let us rise above to give God Glory. In the midst of our disappointments, let us rise up to give God glory. In all things count it joy. The joy of the Lord is truly our strength. God didn't say we wouldn't have dark days. He didn't say we wouldn't have disappointments. He didn't say everything would always work out the way we want it to, but He did say If He be for us, Who can be against us? He did say, He would never leave nor forsake us. God's promises are the only ones that never fail. Let us walk in forgiveness towards all, especially towards those that hurt us the most. Pray for those that are in darkness, that they will come to know the truth. May blinders be removed from their eyes and deafness from their ears in the name of Jesus. May they see as God would allow them to see with spiritual eyes. Most of all, let us walk in love. For love is truly the greatest gift. John 3:16. The greatest commandment is to love our God with all of our heart, mind and soul. Love covers a multitude of sin. Thank God for the gift of love. Thank God for Jesus. Thank God for today. Today is the greatest day of our lives. Lets make the best of it, for tomorrow is not promised. To God be the glory for ever and ever.  
Have a blessed day.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Love again ~Inspirational Poem~ Do you need to heal?

For all those who have been hurt and didn’t think they could love again;
you can. With God all things are possible.

There are times when God will put someone in our life that has a heart after him; however, because of deep rooted wounds from our past we don’t see that person. In some cases those wounds are so deep we don’t even know they are there. It takes a really special person to persevere with someone who is in that place of emotional and deep rooted anxiety. This poem was put on my heart for all of those women and men who have been hurt and didn’t think they would ever be able to love again. God doesn’t want us to be in that place. He called us for a much deeper purpose than to live in the past of yesterday’s wounds and disappointments. Rise up. It’s time to be healed, delivered and set free.

The method is simple; Seek God, Be Real, Be Healed; Receive your deliverance, Let Go, Let God. Forgive and live.

Love is a gift from God; whether the next relationship works out or not, don’t ever cease to be the person God called you to be because of deep rooted emotional hurt. Let it Go, Let God and keep moving.

Although, this poem was written from a woman’s perspective, it is also for men as well. It is from a Christian woman’s heart to a man of God that she beat up with hurtful words of misunderstanding, hurt and pain that she didn’t even realize were there. After all was said and done, the woman was able to heal because she allowed God to show her what was going on inside of her; by being honest with God, she was able to be honest with the man as well.

 Have any of you ever been there or still there? You don’t have to be; it’s a new day. Read Psalm 139: 1-14 – O Lord, thous has searched me and known me. Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off. Thou compassest my path and my lying down and art acquainted with all my ways.

Love Again.

I don’t always say things the right way,
Today is a new day,
I didn’t know from the start
That one day you would have my heart
I can honestly say
I wouldn’t have it any other way
There are times when I rant and rave
From the debt of my inner emotions; I don’t behave
The way a person in love should
It doesn’t mean that I would
Ever want to be without you
I know that my love for your is true; without you I’m blue.
I wasn’t sure at first how to deal with what I was feeling
I am still healing
From the hurt, the pain, the rejection, the disappointment
I wanted to believe that you were the real thing
Yet inside, I thought what if He too turns out to be a ding a ling
Than what,
Praise God that He is above all of that
I know how to pray
To listen to what God would Say,
God said I needed to heal, to listen, and to understand
That you are only a man
A man with a servant’s heart
A heart to do the right thing
You are no ding a ling
Life is full of challenges, heartbreaks and disappointments
God doesn’t give plans with dents
His plan is concise and to the point
He doesn’t miss a beat in His Joints
Nothing happens by chance
Can I have this dance?
I don’t want to loose you because of foolish words
I choose to put the pain of yesterday behind to face today with you on the wings of a beautiful bird,
Like an eagle that soars high
At times He must go low to seek out His prey
Yet He soars again higher than ever before out of the grey
I write all of this to say that I want to soar higher than an eagle with you
This isn’t a game
I pray you still feel the same.
You don’t speak in tongues
But you sure know how to sing and write a praise Song
That’s good enough for me
You are saved, sanctified and set Free
Jesus loves you with a passion
Thank God I’m not a kardashian
You are a Christian striving for God’s heart
I knew that from the start
I said I didn’t want to marry you
That wasn’t true
Once again I lashed out from the pain and hurt
Than I felt like dirt
Today is a new day
I don’t want to go on this way,
I don’t know if you feel the same
This isn’t a game,
I still love you
I pray you still love me too.
I love you with all my heart.

copyright:  "All rights reserved"  Dale Birdsong ..

Rev. Dale Birdsong, Teaching the word of God through drama, skits, improvs, poetry and love. "John 3:16."
Bookings: Church events, women ministries, outreach, retreats, radio, television programs, spoken word, nursing homes, prison ministries, schools etc., Contact
Inspiration is only a Birdsong away.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

When Resolutions fail.

Happy New Year everyone!

Many of us make New Year resolutions that we fail to keep. I have learn to just say God draw me nearer to you and show me your will. I know with God that all things are possible. By allowing God's will to be done in our lives, we will find good success.

Joshua 1:8 This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.

I pray many blessing for the year 2012 for all of us. May our ways be pleasing unto the Lord. Much love in Jesus name.