Sunday, November 4, 2012

Know that He is God "Personal Testimony"

On the wings of a dove from above
God sent His one true Love,
He sent His son to die on the cross
To redeem the lost
To sore above as an eagle
On the wings of His word which never fail
Into the gates of Hell and beyond
The word of God prevails
His word is truth which came to set the captives free
His life taken on a tree, precious blood streaming from His body
Nothing but the blood of Jesus can make us whole
The precious blood of Jesus heals the sick, breaks the bonds of oppression, depression, and addiction.
We cry out for freedom caught up in our own lusts, lies, pride and arrogance
Freedom is ours; victory is ours.
Yet, so many choose to walk in fear doubting rather then believing
Faith is the key that opens all doors
Jesus went before us to prepare a place
We are in a race
Time is of the essence, you see tomorrow may be too late.
Today is the day to receive the key to the eternal gate
Unlock the door to salvation for all mankind
It lies in a choice of free will
Satan came to rob, kill, steal and destroy
He is a deceiver of many taking God’s words disguising it to fool the very elect
Pick up the true word of God, the Holy Bible, read it and discover for yourself
John 10:10 ‘The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy: I have come that they may have Life, and have it in abundance.”

Pray today, Pray every day. 
Call Him; He will answer you. “Jeremiah 33:3
Have faith to believe.
Know that He is God.
In the presence of God there is joy, peace, love, deliverance, redemption, salvation for all.
It starts with the person in the mirror; YOU.
Are you willing to make a change?

Personal Testimony;The world failed me, but through it all and only by God’s grace, I’m still in this race.  His word gives me strength to endure, love to forgive, peace to sustain, Hope to continue and faith to believe.”  What more can I ask for?  What else do I need?  With Jesus, I have everything.  Greater is He that is in me than He that is in the world.  Lay it down at the altar if you haven’t already.  The battle is won.  Let’s walk in the victory through the word of Christ with faith, not doubting, not looking at circumstances, but looking at God.”  As a single mom of three sons I can’t say that life has always been easy, but I can say that God never failed us. Now that my sons are practically grown and I look back over my life, I can honestly say “Great is the peace of my children.” The joy of the Lord is our strength.  To God be the glory.  ©dale birdsong