Monday, May 31, 2010



Greetings, I pray all is well with you today.

I took a drive with a friend along pacific coast highway over the weekend.  The scenery of the mountains, the rocks, the hills and the magnificent view of the ocean was so beautiful. How can anyone believe that God doesn’t exist? He is everywhere. Take time to enjoy life, friends, family and God’s creation. Take time to be appreciative.

God is so good and merciful. We are so blessed. I have no complaints. Don’t get me wrong I could easily complain, but I don’t want to. I desire to be thankful and make the best of what God has given to me. With God all things are possible. If improvement is needed in our lives, then do it.

What makes one person weak and another person strong? God gave all of us choices. Our circumstances aren’t always the same. Many of us look at our circumstances and get discouraged; whereas, others may look at their circumstances and use them to become stronger. It’s about the choices we make.

God gave everyone free will. He doesn’t impose himself on us. He allows us to choose for ourselves. We can accept defeat or rise above it. The choice is ours. We can choose to stay where we are in life or move forward to something better. As sure as the ocean is deep is as sure as God’s word is real. After all, He created the ocean.

I choose to trust God in all things. I choose His will and not my own even if that means letting go of things I love. God is the captain of my ship, the driver of my vehicle, the paint brush of my canvas, the beginning of my end, the end of my beginning, the author and finisher of my faith. In other words, He is my everything. In whom do I fear?

I trust God. I know He will never let me down. He won’t let you down either. Let His will be done, not my own.

Appreciate His goodness, mercy and Grace. His mercy endures. His grace is sufficient.

Have a blessed week.

Listed below is one of my poems titled “Everywhere I look”. I hope you enjoy it.

Everywhere I look


Everywhere I look I see the beauty of God.  The mountains call his name; they are formed to the perfection of His being.  The ocean that never ends is created in His infirmity.  The universe speaks His name, Jehovah Shalom; God of Peace is He.

Man in all his wisdom can never create what God has ordained from the beginning of time, from whence our creator stepped out unto a darkness all about and spoke to the darkness and the darkness became Light.  ‘Let there be light,” He said and the darkness became light.

How powerful is our almighty God that only He could stoop down and pick up dust and blow unto that dust and that dust became a living soul. 

From that living soul, He took a rib and with that rib He made another living soul.

With all His Glory surrounding Him, He with His tender mercy gave those Living souls free will. He gave them the opportunity to think, breathe and Make free decisions.  …HOW HUMBLE IS OUR GOD…

Everywhere I look I see His wonderful Hand. I look to the East and I see the Stars. I look to the West and I feel the wind. I look to the North and I see The moon. I look to the South and I feel the sun. The warmth of God Surrounds me.  He is within my very soul.

As I feel the Holy Spirit leading me all the way I know without a doubt that God is real.  His Mercy is everlasting. His Grace is sufficient. His Glory is magnificent.

He sits up high and looks down low. Nothing escapes His Eye. I shall Continue to look to the hills from whence comes my help. My help comes From the Lord. I shall continue to acknowledge the Lord in all that I do and He will direct my path.

My God you have created me in your wisdom. You breathed life into my Soul. I shall continually praise your name through all eternity. Your Greatness is seen everywhere.  Your love never ends. It is forever. 

Everywhere I look I know you are there!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Don't Settle for Less

How are you doing? I pray blessings and covering for everyone.

I thank God for bringing me through another interesting week and I’m still smiling. Praise God. I had to deal with some past emotions that were kind of difficult, to say the least. In the end, I realized that sometimes you just can’t go back. We should always strive to go forward in life and let God direct our path. God desires the best for us and will not give us anything less than the best. It can be challenging to let go of past desires to embrace the unknown future; however, God is the only one that knows our future.  Delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. (Psalms 37:4).

Do you know who you are? Do you know your purpose? It’s important to know who you are in Christ. Be encouraged and stand firm in Christ. Psalms 139: 13-14 reads “For you formed my inward parts; you covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are your works, and that my soul knows very well”. God is saying that He created us in His image. We are His children and precious in His sight. He loves us. We don’t have to settle for anything less than the best. There are going to be times when people reject us, hurt us and leave us; however, if we stand firm in whom God has called us to be, we will rise above the situation. Greater is He that is in me than He that is in the world. We were created for purpose. For those of you, who are unsure of your purpose, ask God.

While writing this blog, I receive a phone call from a friend. She has what many would consider a severe disability; however, from the moment I met her, I didn’t see a woman with a disability. I saw a woman of honor, strength, distinction and determination. She is an amazing woman of God. She is an over comer. She fights for the rights of the disabled; she fights for justice. She was at an event today where quadriplegic men and women competed in a painting competition. They use their mouths to hold the paint brushes to create the paintings. The paintings were some of the most beautiful paintings she had ever seen. Can you imagine that for a moment? These beautiful men and women aren’t letting their disability stop them from doing what they love to do; neither does my friend. They are fulfilling their purposes in life in spite of their circumstances. They aren’t settling for less.

There are so many folks walking around in perfect health, complaining and whining about this and that, not even taking the time to be appreciative of what they have. Let’s stop and smell the roses for a minute. Tell someone how beautiful they are. You never know how long someone is going to be in your life. Tell God how much you appreciate Him for creating you with a purpose. Define your purpose. Don’t settle for less. 

From my Book: Hope is Alive “Don’t Settle for Less”:

Have a blessed and safe week.


Sunday, May 16, 2010

God's Love

What goes through your mind when you tell someone that you love them? Do you think about the needs of the other person or do you think about your needs?  There were times in my life when I thought about my needs before I thought about the needs of the other individual. What I have come to realize is that, if you truly love someone, than your needs should be secondary to theirs. Love is not selfish.

God is Love, and His love is very different from human love. God's love is unconditional, and it's not based on feelings or emotions. He doesn't love us because we're lovable or because we make Him feel good; He loves us because He is love. He created us to have a loving relationship with Him, and He sacrificed His own Son (who also willingly died for us) to restore that relationship.

Matthew 3:17 "and behold a voice from out of the heavens said, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am Well-pleased. "  John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."  Romans 5:8, "But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."

The divorce rate is high today. One reason that people give for divorce is that they fell out of love. Praise God that He never falls out of love with us. What do you think would happen if God told us, “I don’t love you anymore”? I am leaving now to pursue other endeavors that don’t involve the human race. Think about that for a moment. Personally, I can’t even imagine that for a split second. We would perish instantly. Glory to God, that He is not a selfish God.  There is no greater love than the love of God. God has called us to love one another. He doesn’t want us to be selfish in our love for others. We are called to be givers.

Back to my question: Do you think about the needs of the other person or do you think about your needs? I believe if more people began to think about the needs of others, rather than their own, there will be less divorces, less arguments, but most of all a closer bond with one other and with God. When we die to self, God is able to step in. This should work two-fold.

In regards to marriages: There are many different factors that lead people to get a divorce; however, today I am concentrating on the selfish factor. Often times, the husband or wife may state how the other person never does anything for them, they have to do everything, they are selfish and the list goes on. Does either one of them stop to ask the other one “What is it, that you need today? What can I do for you?” I believe if more married couples stopped and asked each other those types of questions and then actually did what the other person needed them to do on a daily basis, the divorce rate would drop instantly. God’s love is never selfish. We shouldn’t be selfish either. Love conquers all.

God desires a closer relationship with us. We are so fortunate to live in a country where we have the freedom to worship and seek God. Many people around the world are killed for even saying the name Jesus Christ. We are blessed beyond measure. God is waiting to hear from you. Open your mouth and talk to Him. He Hears. He listens. He answers.

What are your thoughts regarding this topic? Your comments are welcomed.
Have a blessed week and remember Jesus loves you.

True Love

From my New Book Hope is Alive.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Don't Quit.

Do you ever feel like giving up? Well I felt that way today. It's been a busy couple of months for me. We are called to give God glory. I love glorifying God. I could glorify God 24 hours a day and never get tired.  However, I do get tired of being disappointed. Sometimes I feel like I am on this road traveling and that I am never going to get to my destination.  Do you ever feel like that? It seems like the more I do for the kingdom of God, the more the devil tries to attack my mind.

The last couple of weeks have been truly awesome with the Evening of Inspiration and other wonderful events. People were blessed with awesome testimonies, praise and worship. God received the glory but afterwards, I start feeling all alone, which I know is a lie from the Devil.  All sorts of crazy thoughts tried to enter my mind. I went to our Daddy (God). I got on my knees and put my head in His lap and told Him all about it. He heard my cry and immediately comforted me. Once again He told me to be still, not to be anxious. That is hard to do sometimes, especially when your circumstances look otherwise. That’s where faith comes in, which we will talk about in another blog.  Do you ever find yourself asking “When God”? Remember, God’s timing is not our timing and if we truly want His will, we must wait. We must also keep the faith. "Without faith it is impossible to please God. He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him."  (Hebrews 11:6).

You can't always keep the Devil from putting doubt in your mind, but if you refuse to speak it, it will never enter your heart. The thought of doubt will die unborn unless you speak it. When Jesus spoke of the things that were to come upon the earth, He said, "See that ye not be troubled." (Matthew 24:6) In John 14:1, let not your heart be troubled." Than in Matthew 6:25, Jesus admonishes us to take no anxious thought concerning the necessities of life.  When you feel like giving up, “remember to talk to God about it.”  Stand on God's word. God is your father. Call Him and He will answer. Talk to Him; He will respond.  It’s ok to be real with God. He knows you. He knows your thoughts before you think them. He won’t reject you. That’s a promise.

Remember you have the greatest love of all. You have God’s love. You have the love of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  Iron sharpens Iron.


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Let Go! Let God! LET IT BE.

The week of April 25th was an emotional week for me. When God told me to start doing these encouragement writings, one of the things that He told me to do was write about some of the issues that I face in life and how He brings me through them. At first I thought, ok not a problem God. Some folks are going to think I’m crazy, but I can’t think of anything that I would rather be than CRAZY for God.

However, I must admit it’s not as easy as I thought it was going to be. In order to share my issues it requires totally honesty. I am a very open person with people I know, but to open up to those I don’t know, well like I said it’s not always easy; however, I will be obedient to what God has called me to do. I know by doing so, He will get the glory.

How many of you have heard “Let Go and Let God”? How many out there have said “Well I did let go and let God”. However, did you LET IT BE?  The next thing you know maybe a year, a month, a few days or the very next day, you find yourself picking that very thing back up again "BECAUSE YOU DIDN’T LET IT BE".

Praise God if you don't fall into this category. To be honest, I do fall into this category from time to time.  For instance today, I found myself thinking about something that I know God told me to be still about. I wanted to pick it up again. I even cried about it. Finally after all the emotional drama, I told God about it. Let me tell you, God is real; He listens to every word. The good thing about God is that, when we stop talking long enough and listen, He answers. He gave me the scriptures II Corinthians 10:5, Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. God reminded me that we have the power through His word to bind up anything that tries to bring us back into captivity. The final choice is ours to make. Do we want to be in captivity or do we want the freedom that God gave to us? I can tell you once again, I know that no matter how emotional I may get at times, I truly do desire God’s will in my life. I repented and thank God for being there for me. He didn't condemn me and He didn't force me to choose His way. He gave me an option and let me make the choice. I chose to continue to leave it with God. That’s how good our God is. He is there for everyone. All you need to do is talk to Him. He is waiting to hear from you today.    LET GO.  LET GOD.   LET IT BE.

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